1. Yau C, Lenguerrand E, Morris S, Draycott T, Pizzo E. (2021). A model based cost utility analysis of multi-professional simulation training in obstetric emergencies. Accepted to Plos One March 2021
  2. Ranieri V, Stoltenberg A, Pizzo E et al. COVID-19 Wellbeing Study: Examining perceived coercion and psychological wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic by means of an online survey, asynchronous virtual focus groups and individual interviews – a protocol. BMJ Open 2021;11:e04341
  3. Colbourn T, Waites W, Panovska Griffiths J, Manheim D, Sturniolo S… Pizzo E, Sculpher M, Bonell C, Gomes M, Raine R. Modelling the health and economic impacts of different testing and tracing strategies for COVID-19 in the UK. F1000 December 2020
  4. Sarraj A, Pizzo E, Lobotesis K, Grotta J et al. Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients with Large Core Ischemic Strokes: a Cost-Utility Analysis from the SELECT Study. Journal Neurointerven Surg 2020; 0:1-8.
  5. Wenborn J, O’Keeffe A, Mountain G, Moniz-Cook E, King M, Omar R Z, Mundy J, Burgess J, Poland F, Morris S, Pizzo E., … Orrell M. (2019). Community Occupational Therapy for people with dementia and family carers (COTiD-UK) versus treatment as usual (Valuing Active Life in Dementia [VALID] study): a single-blind, randomised controlled trial with internal pilot. Plos Medicine, Nov 2020.
  6. Garnett C, Michie S, Beard E, Pizzo E, Munafo M, Field M, …Jamie Brown. (2020). Evaluating the effectiveness of the smartphone app, Drink Less, compared with the NHS alcohol advice webpage, for the reduction of alcohol consumption among hazardous and harmful adult drinkers in the UK at six-month follow-up: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Addiction October 2020. Preprint in medRxiv.
  7. Walbaum M, Scholes S, Pizzo E, Paccot M, Mindell J, Chronic Kidney Disease in Chile: Findings from the Chilean National Health Surveys 2009-10 and 2016-17. BMJ Open, Aug 2020:10:e037720 
  8. Panovska Griffiths J, Gomes M, Pizzo E, Colbourn T, Lorgelly P. Balancing lives and livelihoods: relaxation of lockdown needs to be finely balanced. The BMJ Opinion June 2020
  9. Gurusamy K, Vale C, Pizzo E, Bhanot R, Davidson B, Mould T, Mughal M, Saunders M, Aziz O, O’Dwyer S.  Cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with hyperthermic intraoperative peritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) versus standard of care (SoC) in people with peritoneal metastases from colorectal, ovarian or gastric origin: protocol for a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analyses (IPD) of effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. BMJ Open May 2020, 10(5) e039314.
  10. Amaefule CE, Bolou A, Drymoussi Z, Carreras JF, del Carmen Pardo Llorente M, Lanz D, Dodds J,  Sweeney L, Pizzo E, Thangaratinam S. Effectiveness and acceptability of metformin in preventing onset of type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes in postnatal women: a protocol for a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind feasibility trial “Optimising health outcomes with Metformin to prevent diAbetes After pregnancy” (OMAhA). BMJ Open, 2020 May 17;10(5):e036198. Download
  11. Freriks R., Luijckx, Buskens, Pizzo E et al (2020). Centralising Acute Stroke Care within Clinical Practice in the Netherlands: Lower bounds of the casual impact. BMC Medical Research Methodology 20 (103).
  12. Srivastava, A, Jong, S, Gola, A, Gailer, R, Morgan, S, Sennet, K, . . . Rosenberg, W. (2019). Cost-comparison analysis of FIB-4, ELF and fibroscan in community pathways for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. BMC Gastroenterology.
  13. Buja, A., Rivera, M.,Girardi, G., Vecchiato, A., Rebba, V., Pizzo, E.,  … Rossi, R. (2019). Cost-effectiveness of a melanoma screening programme using whole disease modelling. Journal of Medical Screening. Download
  14. Pizzo, E, Dumba, M., Lobotesis, K. (2019). Cost-utility analysis of mechanical thrombectomy between 6 and 24 hours in acute ischemic stroke.Int J Stroke 15(1) 75–84. 
  15. Rahman Jazieh, A., Pizzo, E., Gulacsi, L., Eldahiyat, F., Abu-Helalah, M., Ibrahim, N., . . . Cornes, P. (2019). Implementation of Country-Wide Pharmacoeconomic Principles in Cancer Care in Developing Countries: Expert based recommendations.Global Journal on Quality and Safety in Healthcare. ISSN 2666-2353
  16. Neves, J., Cullen, D., Lee, G., Walkden, M., Bandula, S., Patki, P., . . . Tran, M. (2019). Protocol for a feasibility study of a cohort embedded randomised controlled trial comparing NEphron Sparing Treatment (NEST) for small renal masses.BMJ Open
  17. Halai, T., Pizzo, E., Jonathan, S., Ashish, P., & Eyeson, J. (2019). A cost analysis of non-surgical extractions in primary versus secondary careFDJ,10(1).
  18. Amaefule, C.E., Drymoussi, Z., Dodds, J., Sweeney, L., Pizzo, E., Daru, J., ...Myers, J. (2018). Effectiveness and acceptability of myo-inositol nutritional supplement in the prevention of gestational diabetes (EMmY): a protocol for a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind pilot trial.BMJ Open, 8 (9), e022831.
  19. Rojas-García, A., Turner, S., Pizzo, E., Hudson, E., Thomas, J., Raine, R. (2018). Impact and experiences of delayed discharge: A mixed-studies systematic review. Health Expect. 2018 Feb;21(1):41-56. doi: 10.1111/hex.12619. Epub 2017 Sep 12.
  20. Yau, C., Pizzo, E., Prajapati, C., Draycott, T., Lenguerrand, E. (2018). Obstetric brachial plexus injuries (OBPIs): health-related quality of life in affected adults and parents. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 16 (1), 212. doi:10.1186/s12955-018-1039-z.
  21. El-Osta, A., Woringer, M., Pizzo, E., Verhoef, T., Dickie, C., Ni, M., ...Majeed, A. (2017). Does use of point of care testing improve cost effectiveness of the NHS Health Checks programme in the primary care setting? A cost minimisation analysis. BMJ Open
  22. Barratt, H.S., Turner, S., Hutchings, A., Pizzo, E., Hudson, E., Briggs, T., ...Gikas, P. (2017). Mixed methods evaluation of the Getting it Right First Time programme - improvements to NHS orthopaedic care in England: study protocol.BMC Health Services Research 17, 71 
  23. Yau, C.W.H., Pizzo, E., Morris, S., Odd, D.E., Winter, C., Draycott, T.J. (2017). Response to "Telling the whole story about simulation-based education". Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand
  24. Walsh, T.S., Stanworth, S., Boyd, J., Hope, D., Hemmatapour, S., Burrows, H., ...Morris, S. (2017). The Age of BLood Evaluation (ABLE) randomised controlled trial: description of the UK-funded arm of the international trial, the UK cost-utility analysis and secondary analyses exploring factors associated with health-related quality of life and health-care costs during the 12-month follow-up. Health Technology Assessment, 21 (62), 1-118.
  25. Yau, C.W.H., Pizzo, E., Morris, S., Odd, D.E., Winter, C., Draycott, T.J. (2016). The cost of local, multi-professional obstetric emergencies training.Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 95 (10), 1111-1119. doi:10.1111/aogs.12956
  26. Ganesalingam, J., Pizzo, E., Morris, S., Sunderland, T., Ames, D., Lobotesis, K. (2015). Cost-Utility Analysis of Mechanical Thrombectomy Using Stent Retrievers in Acute Ischemic Stroke.Stroke,46(9),2591-2598.  (Pizzo and Ganesaligam are both first authors).
  27. Pezzoli, A., Fusetti N, Pizzo E. (2016). Capsule Endoscopy Diagnosis of Intestinal Taenia. Gastrointest Endosc. 2016 Jan;83(1):261-2. . Epub 2015 Aug
  28. Pezzoli, A., Maimone, A., Fusetti, N., Pizzo, E.(2015). Gallstone ileus treated with non-surgical conservative methods: a case report.Journal of Medical Case Reports, 9 (15),
  29. Maben, J., Griffiths, P., Penfold, C., Simon, M., Anderson, J.E., Robert, G., ...Barlow, J. (2015). One size fits all? Mixed methods evaluation of the impact of 100% single-room accommodation on staff and patient experience, safety and costs.BMJ Quality & Safety, 25 (4), 241-256.
  30. Pizzo, E., Doyle, C., Matthews, R., Barlow, J. (2015). Patient and Public Involvement: How much do we spend and what are the benefits?.Health Expectations, 2015 Dec;18(6):1918-26. doi: 10.1111/hex.12204. Epub 2014 May 12.
  31. Pizzo, E., Laverty, A., Phekoo, K., Albujuiri, G., Green, S., Bell, D., Majeed, A. (2014). A retrospective analysis of cost of hospitalisation for sickle cell disease with crisis in England, 2010/2011.Journal of Public Health, 2015 Sep;37(3):529-39. Epub 2014 May 5.
  32. Pizzo, E., Pezzoli, A., Stockbrugger, R., Bracci, E., Vagnoni, E., Gullini, S. (2011). Screenee perception and health-related quality of life in colorectal cancer screening: A review. Value in Health, 14 (1), 152-159. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2010.10.018

Work in progress

  1. Colbourn T, Waites W, Panovska Griffiths J, Manheim D, Sturniolo S… Pizzo E, Sculpher M, Bonell C, Gomes M, Raine R. Testing, tracing and isolation, COVID-19, Epidemic suppression, economic evaluation, policy options. The Lancet (pre-print) June 2020
  2. Walbaum M, Scholes S, Pizzo E, Paccot M, Mindell J, Chronic Kidney Disease in Chile: Findings from the Chilean National Health Surveys 2009-10 and 2016-17. Submitted to BMJ Open, Feb 2020 (RR)
  3. Wenborn J, O’Keeffe A, Mountain G, Moniz-Cook E, King M, Omar R Z, Mundy J, Burgess J, Poland F, Morris S, Pizzo E., … Orrell M. (2019). Community Occupational Therapy for people with dementia and family carers (COTiD-UK) versus treatment as usual (Valuing Active Life in Dementia [VALID] study): a single-blind, randomised controlled trial with internal pilot. Submitted to Plos Medicine, Feb 2020. (RR)
  4. Yau C., ....Pizzo E. (2019). A model based cost utility analysis of multi-professional simulation training in obstetric emergencies. Submitted to Applied Health Economics and Health Policy Feb 2020 (UR).
  5. Sarraj A., Pizzo E, Lobotesis K, Grotta J et al. Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients with Large Core Ischemic Strokes: a Cost-Utility Analysis from the SELECT Study. Submitted to Stroke June 2020 (UR)
  6. Melnychuk M, Pizzo E, Morris S, Conti G. (2019). The long term effects of child maltreatment in UK: evidence from a cohort study. Submitted to IJE, Feb 2019 (UR).
  7. Conti G, Pizzo E, Melnychuk M, Morris S. (2019). Economic costs of child maltreatment in UK: economic modelling study-preliminary results. Submitted to Lancet, July 2019 (UR).
  8. Stephens T, Morris S, Machen S, Pashayan N, Pizzo E, Woodhead C, Orrell M. (2019). Dementia and the quality of healthcare in non-cognitive domains: meta-analysis and meta-regression of observational studies. Submitted to BMC Geriatrics, February 2020.
  9. Wenborn J, Mountain Cook E, Poland F, King M, Omar R, O’Keeffe A, Morris S, Pizzo E, Michie S et al. The development, evaluation and implementation of the Community Occupational Therapy in Dementia – UK version (COTiD-UK) intervention for people with mild to moderate dementia and their family carers: the Valuing Active Life in Dementia (VALID) research programme. Report submitted to NIHR HTA, February 2019 (in print).
  10. Garnett C, Michie S, Beard E, Pizzo E, Munafo M, Field M, …Jamie Brown. (2020). Evaluating the effectiveness of the smartphone app, Drink Less, compared with the NHS alcohol advice webpage, for the reduction of alcohol consumption among hazardous and harmful adult drinkers in the UK at six-month follow-up: protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Submitted to Addiction 22 May 2020 (UR) Preprint in doi:
  11. Rai Z , Ranieri V, Stackpool M, Littler P, Palmer D, Ghaneh P,  Gurusamy K, Manas D, Pizzo E, Psarelli EE, Davidson B and the UK LAP PIE study group. Treatment of unresectable Locally Advanced Pancreatic cancer with Percutaneous Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) following initial systemic chemotherapy (LAP-PIE) trial: Study protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial. Ready for submission to Trials June 2020
  12. Walbaum M, Pizzo E, Paccot M, Mindell J, Scholes S. Projection of the economic and health impacts of Chronic Kidney Disease in the Chilean population. Ready for submission Medical Decision Making
  13. Pizzo E., Tsochatzis E. et al. Cost-effectiveness analysis of a non-invasive screening strategy compared to endoscopy in diagnosis of varices in liver cirrhosis. (Last revision before submission to Hematology)
  14. Rhodes F, Panovska-Griffiths J, Pizzo E, Morgan S, Sennett K, Rosenberg W (2020) Primary care pathway for detection of liver fibrosis in patients with alcohol use disorders in two London boroughs: study protocol for a prospective evaluation. Ready for submission to BMJ Open, Feb 2020