Elena has been teaching Economic Evaluation, Modelling for Clinical Decision Making, HTA and Research Methodologies at undergraduate and postgraduate level at Imperial College London, UCL, City University and LSE. She has been involved in Executive Education courses and Master courses in Health Economics and HTA in Italy at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice, at the University of Padua and the University of Ferrara and she has organised a summer school in Menorca, Spain. Students are generally very enthusiastic and inspired during her courses, especially clinicians approaching economics for the first time.
Elena has supervised undergraduate and Master students interested in health economics in the past and she is currently supervising MSc and PhD students in Economic Evaluation projects.
UK teaching
University College London, London
Executive education course in “Economic evaluation of healthcare” for the CLAHRC Academy (NHS staff)
University College London, London
Lecture on “Economic evaluation” to MBBS students
Imperial College London, Faculty of Medicine, London
Lecture on “Introduction to Health Economics and Economic evaluation” at the MSc, PG Cert Genes, Drugs and Stem Cells – Novel Therapies
Imperial College, Faculty of Medicine, London
Lecture on “Health economics. Introduction and basic concepts as applied to maternal and child health services” at the MSc of Paediatrics and Child health
City University, London
Lecture on “Introduction to Economic Evaluation”, Master in Health Economics and consultant
London School of Economics, London
Lecture on “Economic evaluation in health care” for an international project
Imperial College Business School, London
Lecture on “Systematic Literature Review” at the Social Research Methods Course, IBSc
International courses
University of Venezia Ca’ Foscari, Italy
Coordinator of the HTA-LAB at the MSc in Economics and Management of Healthcare Service (EMASS) (5 days)
Summer school course “Economic evaluation of healthcare interventions, programmes and complex health systems” (5 days)
HTA Lab Venezia (2016):
Elena e’ una docente molto preparata, con un livello elevato di padronanza dell’argomento, buone capacita’ comunicative e in grado di coinvolgere l’aula.
Si distingue per l’efficacia comunicativa nel torpore accademico.